Shipping Policy

1. How Much Does Shipping Cost?

The shipping fee varies depending on the shipping destination and the number of items you purchase. You can check the estimated shipping fee by adding items to your cart, proceeding to checkout, entering your email address and shipping address. The exact shipping fee will be automatically updated and displayed on the checkout page.

2. How Can I Track My Order?

When your order ships, you will receive an email with a link to shipping & tracking information. You can check the status of your package once it’s in transit.

You can also check your order status by filling in your email and order ID at this link: Order Tracking

3. My Order Is Preparing To Ship/ In Transit, What Does That Mean?

Hang tight! Your order has been packed and has left benietee ‘s warehouse! At this stage, you’ll receive an email update from us that will contain a Tracking Number for your parcel. Please give about 72 hours for your tracking to be live.

4. What Are Your Delivery Options And How Long Is Shipping?

LocationDelivery Time Frames
The U.S. and Canada7 – 10 working days
Worldwide0 – 15 working days


  • Delivery may take additional time during sale periods, holidays, and unforeseen circumstances such as extreme weather events.
  • Delivery may take additional time during sale periods, holidays, and unforeseen circumstances such as extreme weather events.

5. Do You Process Orders During Public Holidays?

While we’d love for you to get your order as soon as possible, our warehouse and our courier partner are closed on Public Holidays. We seek your understanding in having your orders processed, or parcels shipped, on the next working day.

6. Why Is There A Delay In Delivery?

Due to a high volume of orders and our precautionary measures taken by us and our delivery partners, please expect a delay in the delivery of your order. You may access this link: Order Tracking to check the status of your order.

7. Can The Order Be Delivered To Multiple Addresses?

We do not accept shipment to multiple addresses for a single order. If you would like items delivered to multiple addresses, please place those orders separately.

8. Do You Offer Delivery To Po Boxes Or Military Apo/fpo Addresses?

We support shipments to PO Boxes, but we cannot ship to Military APO/FPO addresses.

9. Will I Be Charged Vat Taxes?

Items shipping internationally from the US are shipped DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid) and we do not charge VAT (Value Added Taxes). All taxes, duties, and customs fees are the responsibility of the recipient of the package.

Depending on the country, the postal package may incur local customs or VAT charges. Please contact your local customs office for more information regarding your country’s customs policies.